AI empowerment for small and mid-sized businesses

Our approach is straightforward:
Make AI easy to understand and powerful in action.

AI to boost talent, increase efficiency, slash costs, and ensure you stay ahead. We're here to integrate AI into your business, sparking a culture of innovation for lasting success.

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Get started today

Straight away action
with 1MAI

Get AI working for you in just 20 days. 1MAI is fast, efficient, and cost effective. Get ready to make a difference in your business operations now.

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Focus on human empowerment, not technology

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Clear definition of your investment ROI

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Create pilot programmes with real case projects

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Digital marketing sales funnel
Start with something every business needs

Supercharge your marketing with AI

Revolutionise your marketing strategies with AI.
From personalised customer journeys to data-driven decision making, our AI tools empower SMBs to achieve remarkable growth and stand out in the competitive marketplace.

Personalise like never before

Harness AI to tailor your marketing messages and campaigns, creating highly personalised experiences that resonate with your audience and increase engagement

Data driven decisions

Utilise AI-driven analytics to make informed decisions, streamline your marketing efforts, and maximise ROI by targeting the right people at the right time

Why are we focusing on SMB's?

Small and mid-sized businesses need AI solutions that are simple and accessible.

We understand the unique challenges your business faces and offer tailored AI solutions that drive growth, efficiency, and innovation.

Our approach is hands-on, providing continuous support and guidance to ensure your business not only adopts AI but thrives with it.

Percentage according to Adobe for which SMBs using AI have increased their revenue by
Percentage on increased productivity for SMBs using AI according to McKinsey
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Our overall approach to AI

Four pillars for holistic AI empowerment

We see AI as a powerful tool for progress, smart change, and innovation. Our strategy ensures that our AI solutions are cutting-edge, user centric, ethical, and built to last.

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AI Operations

Enhancing efficiency with advanced AI automation and insightful analytics for smarter business processes.

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AI Experience

Personalising customer interactions through AI to create meaningful and memorable user experiences.

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AI Culture

Building an innovative workplace where AI is a catalyst for creativity and skill development.

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AI Impact

Focusing on AI's positive environmental and social effects, ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth.

We've partnered with companies like yours on their road to success.

Common topics ahead of AI adoption

Key AI Integration Challenges

for SMBs

Facing AI integration challenges is part of the journey for SMBs. Some of our conversations flag these common concerns for business leaders. However, each business and team will have their own weights and priorities. We're ready to address these topics when starting your AI integration.

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Data & Compliance

Guard against data breaches

Stay ahead of regulations

Handle data with care

Secure your data transfers

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Integration & Scale

Seamless system fit

Scale with confidence

Simplify integration

Choose future-ready AI

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Team Empowerment

Close the skills gap
Embrace change
Hire the right talent
Choose future ready AI

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Initial investment  
Calculating a real ROI
Understand required ongoing costs and hidden costs

Unsure about how to fit AI in your business?

You're not the first. Have a chat with us.
We'll make the complex simple and sort an AI solution for you.

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Do you have questions on AI?

AI is new territory for many.
We've compiled answers to some frequently asked questions to help clear things up.

Why do we focus on SMBs?

SMBs are agile and innovative, poised to gain significantly from AI. Our mission is to unlock this potential, ensuring SMBs not only compete but lead in their markets.
On top we also think when a small or medium sized business succeeds, we succeed too.

What will be the cost of implementing AI?

Costs vary based on your specific needs and scale. Our basic programme starts at £7.5K and we offer flexible, scalable solutions designed for SMB budgets. Our real focus related to cost is ensuring your RO-AI (Return on AI) is always larger than your investment

How fast will I see results?

With our 1MAI solution, you'll see tangible results in just 20 days. For broader implementations, improved outcomes are typically visible within 90 days, depending on the solution's complexity and your business objectives.

What do I need to get started?

Starting is simple. We'll need to assess your business needs, understand your goals, and then we can outline a clear, actionable AI integration plan. Let's get ona call a soon as possible and figure it out together.

I don't have a dedicated IT department, do I need one?

No, a dedicated IT department isn't necessary. Our team supports you every step of the way, ensuring seamless integration and maintenance of AI solutions. However, if you do have dedicated IT team, we will collaborate with them and use the expertise on your business for technical purposes.

Still have doubts?

Let's have a quick chat and make sure you are well informed

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Get in touch

Ready to take the next step or just want to ask a question?
We're here to help you move forward with AI.